Monday, January 4, 2010

Blood Work and Oncologist Visit

After having my blood work done up, I saw my Onc. My blood is normal which is no change from last time. The Onc said if she had noticed anything unusual, she`d request a CT scan pronto. So with that out of the way we will go with my scheduled scan on January 19th. This will be my first CT scan since starting Xeloda ... to be honest, I’m a bit nervous because this scan will tell us whether the Xeloda is working or not. I’d hate to have to switch to another chemo and its side effects.

My Onc questioned me on some of the potential side effects of Xeloda. Mouth sores, nope. Diarrhea, nope. She also asked about my about my fingers. Did I have any cracks ... I said no, but the tips on my thumbs were peeling and my finger tips were more sensitive. She asked if it was affecting my typing ... I said oh no!

It’s been four weeks since I’ve been to the clinic and it was a pleasure to be able to walk thru without having to sit and rest every so often. I really feel like a new person or maybe more like, the person I used to be.

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