Friday, January 29, 2010

Pre-op talk with anesthesiologist

After talking with the nurse for the pre-op conversation, I asked her about the likelihood of the anesthesiologist using my brand-new power port for the surgery. She gave me the number to the anesthesiologists' staff room, where I was connected to Dr. Jonathan Maron.

Dr. Maron was great. He listened carefully to my question, gave me a complete answer, and all on the fly. I have no idea what he was doing at the moment I called, but he had no way to expect a call from a patient he hadn't met.

He told me that they absolutely could use my port for anesthesia. But if they found during the procedure that I needed fluids more quickly than the port could provide, they would then start a line. Of course, I hope that won't be necessary. I am a hard stick on the best of days and when fully hydrated. Given that I can't drink or eat after 7 AM, my veins will no doubt have shriveled up. And given that there was trouble starting an IV line for the insertion of my power port in late December, who knows what kind of condition my veins will be in?

At least I learned that there are limits to the speed with which a port can bring in fluid.

Dr. M also answered my questions about how best to prep my lymphedemic arm for surgery. We agreed that I should bandage instead of wearing my sleeve and glove. I like this not only because I can leave my arm wrapped for longer periods of time (and can sleep all night this way if needed). It would completely freak me out to find, for instance, that they had to cut the very expensive sleeve for any reason. In a situation like that, who cares about the cheaper fleece and padding?

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