Thursday, January 7, 2010

Out and About

Last night D and I went out with a few girlfriends, mine not his... the other husbands were busy. As we drove up to this new bar downtown, I said to D, let’s see if we can get lucky with a parking spot right in front ... well sure enough, one guy was just getting into his car to leave ... yippee, we did get lucky.

This particular bar was new in town and was offering a real good deal on hors d'oeuvres ... the wings were great. The bar was packed and it was nice to get out and experience a bit of the night life again.

August was the last time we were together and it was good to see the girls again. They all look so good. Two of them are long-time breast cancer survivors and are doing real well.

Still quite cold here. Thank goodness for our remote car starter; it sure came in handy at home time.

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