Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mom, Dad, you were delicious

My parents gave WCK a cute chef's kit for Christmas. It has a puffy chef hat, an apron, a little tiny oven mitt, and some kitchen tools. They also gave her a cookbook called "Silly Snacks." WCK has been a picky eater of late, but I discovered that if she helps prepare the Silly Snack recipes while wearing her chef outfit, she will actually eat the food. This is a big deal.

We've already prepared several of the Silly Snack recipes, including cheese pizza cut into fun shapes with cookie cutters, and "Rock 'N Rollers", which consist of turkey, cheese, and spinach leaves rolled into whole-wheat tortillas. Now, if I had made these on my own and told WCK they were "turkey, cheese, and spinach rolled into whole-wheat tortillas", WCK would have complained bitterly and refused to touch them. Because they were called "Rock 'N Rollers", and because she helped prepare them while wearing the chef hat, she ate every bite and asks to have them again.

Yesterday, we made some Happy-Face Sandwiches, which consisted of turkey and cheese on an English muffin. (We used those flat, whole-wheat buns that you can get now. I think they're called "Sandwich Thins".) I melted the cheese on mine in the broiler. WCK did not want melted cheese, but that worked, too. Then we made faces on top of the cheese with different vegetables, pickles, etc. I was trying to figure out a use for broccoli, so I made a moustache on one of my sandwiches. Then I was shocked to discover that I had made my parents:

Seriously. If you have never met my parents, you have to know that that is exactly what they'd look like if they were reincarnated as sandwiches.

WCK told me that her sandwiches were supposed to be her and me. I think I'm the one on the bottom:

WCK ate most of her meal, and then she said that we'll have to make them again and again so we can make all of our extended-family members. Heads up, extended family! Watch the blog for your face in sandwich form.

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