Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sears Coffee Group

Yesterday our Sears group met for coffee. I always look forward to getting together with the ladies. Even when I was at my weakest, I still needed to get out and be with the gals. Yesterday everyone said I looked so good and was so energetic ... I told them I had put on some make-up ... and that always helps. It was nice to hear tho. Anyways, the talk includes getting caught up on any new news ... health wise or not. I returned the jam jars to Irm from our Christmas gift exchange...hint...hint. S brought some Farside books to share... figuring it was better that we get some comic relief than sit on her bookshelf. We really do connect well in this group.

I have to mention Ari, our mascot ... he also joins us at every meeting. He gets his own chair at the table. That way every passerby gives him a second look. At first glance ... they must think a person? baby? or animal? Sometimes they comment but most often they just smile. Yesterday I was playing with Ari a bit and put his hand behind his ear like he was trying to listen or pose for a hunky picture... it was pretty cute when the table noticed what I had done ... he is really fun to have around.

It was such a nice drive too. And right from the mall parking lot... I cranked up the music ... yesterday I felt a little bit country...

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