Tuesday, January 19, 2010

CT Scan Today

I went in for my CT scan 7:45 this morning … bright and early. This one’s a big deal for me ‘cause it’s my first scan since starting Xeloda. The nurse at the clinic remembered me from past scans and said … you need heat don’t you … meaning, I need heat on my veins to make them to pop for the IV. Well let me tell you, even with heat the nurse had to dig and dig to get that IV in. Ouch! They all like to go for the vein in my left forearm, the one that had six rounds of FEC chemo back in 2000. So this vein has already been used and abused. Anyways, I’m willing to put up with the grief because only the other option is to get a PICC line in again and I am not the least bit interested in that.

Once we got the IV in place, the nurse brought in my contrast cocktail. Only one jug instead of two … I asked her if that was right and she double checked and said yes … you’re only getting your abdomen and chest done. I guess since my last bone scan came back with no evidence of cancer; they took it off the list.

I was out of there at 8:35; I’ll have the results when I see my Onc next week.

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