Friday, January 8, 2010

Beware the Tag Reader

One of WCK's presents from Santa was a Leapfrog Tag Reader. It is the coolest invention ever. The Tag Reader looks like a giant pen. You buy special children's books to go with it; most of them are well-known children's classics, or books based on popular cartoons, etc. You go online and download each book into the Tag Reader, and then when you touch the end of the pen to the book, it reads to you. It can either read the entire book, one page at a time, or one word at a time. If you touch illustrations, they'll talk to you, and you can also play different games on every page. WCK will sometimes sit and play with her Tag Reader for an hour or more. We all love that thing.

Last night, however, we discovered that kids can earn "rewards" by playing the games with the Tag Reader. I'm not sure what these "rewards" are yet; all I know is that a voice on the Tag Reader told WCK to go get her parents and tell them to hook the reader up to the computer so she could get these rewards.

The Voice told her this when she was supposed to be going to bed. When I heard her calling for me, I told her she had to go back to bed.

"But, Mama," she said, "the Tag Reader told me to go get my parents!"

Jay and I are now a little nervous about what else the Tag Reader could be telling her. "But, Mama, the Tag Reader told me to e-mail all of your bank account information to the Leapfrog corporation!" or "The Tag Reader told me to put $1,000 in unmarked bills in a briefcase and leave it under a bridge!"

Still, for an hour of peace and quiet, it might be worth it.

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