Friday, January 15, 2010

Knitting Group

Last night I had a rough sleep ... waking up often and with numerous bad dreams. Obviously I’m a bit anxious. I’m thinking it has to do with next week’s CT scan. Tonight I’ll definitely be taking an Ativan ... may even take half a pill this afternoon.

This morning I had my knitting group. I started the group still trying to recover from the bad night’s sleep but as time went on I started to feel a bit better. I think what was most helpful was when one facilitator sat down beside me to chat. We ended up talking about my cancer blog. Well I definitely perked then because I love to talk about my blog and how helpful it is for me to cope with my cancer. I love to share how much support fellow cancer bloggers have given me. We ended up talking a bit about her mother who had metastatic breast cancer and was given a poor prognosis ... she lived with that for 25 years before a new cancer came along. You know what ... I really needed that chat.

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