Saturday, January 16, 2010

Big Toe Skin is Split and Bloody

Just after I got out of bed today, noticed an unusual feeling on the bottom of my big toe, right foot. When I looked at it ... there was a small bloody vertical split in the skin near the center of the pad ... and I have no idea how it happened.

I quickly cleaned up the wound and put a bandage on before D and I met my sister and mother for breakfast. When I came home, I soaked the toe in a solution of warm water and salt. Then, I applied Polysporin and wrapped it up in gauze. I also noticed my other big toe was looking like some of the layers of skin where peeling away so I put some lotion on and wrapped it too.

All along, I’ve been trying to figure out how it happened. We checked my inside of my socks and the bed sheets for signs of blood and found nothing.

I’ve come to the conclusion that I didn’t step on anything or kick anything....the skin on my big toe just split open. This is one of the documented side effects of Xeloda. All along I have been diligent about putting cream on my feet but looks like I need to do a visual underneath as well.

Attached is a bottom shot of my big toe ....

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