Monday, January 25, 2010

CT Scan Results Today

Just got back from the clinic and my CT scan results indicate things are stable. My liver has rotated a bit so the radiologist couldn’t take any measurements of my tumours but in his report, he said it didn’t look like there were any noticeable changes.

With regards to my lungs ... there appears to be a bit more fluid around them compared to the last scan. The Onc asked how my lungs were feeling. I said they are better than previous months. I still cough a bit and use the inhaler maybe one day in a cycle but overall I think it’s much better. She said we’ll just watch that then.

I mentioned the splits in my toes and she asked to see them ... fortunately, they are looking pretty good right now. She also asked to look at my hands and said they weren’t red so we can continue with the same dosage of Xeloda.

I mentioned to her that I had been occasionally seeing stars the last couple of weeks. She asked if they were dark spots and I said no ... they were stars with jagged edges like in a kaleidoscope. She did some visual tests and said if the problem persisted, we’d do a head scan after the next visit.

... so all in all a good report. I can breathe easy for three months ... until the next scan.

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