Friday, January 8, 2010

Need a nap

Bobka, the number two dog, has been getting up several times a night every night this week. He wanders around the house. Sometimes he needs to go outside and then he stands by the back door and barks. Since both dogs sleep on the bed with us you can see how this is a problem. Pumpkin, of course, sleeps through everything. I swear that dog has a cast-iron bladder, despite his advanced age.

Rik has mostly gotten up with Bobka this week. That's on top of working one night at Antioch University and waking up at 6 AM every day to teach. I offer to get up. If I am having a night sweat it's no hardship to get out of bed and cool off, but sometimes Bobka wakes me up from a sound sleep and then I can't move.

So I have been taking a morning nap every day and today I missed my yoga class. There has got to be a better way to deal with this. Dog training tips, anyone?

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