Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Itchy Eyes

One thing I’ve noticed since quitting Taxotere is that my eyes don’t water any more. They now feel puffy and itchy from the Xeloda. My nose is still a Kleenex hog tho. I had a full nose with Taxotere but this is different, it’s now runny as opposed to being full of mucus.

So last night I was rubbing my eyes quite a bit and decided to take some Benadryl before bed and it really took the itch out. Some nights I have trouble sleeping and I’m kinda thinkin’ it’s all got to do with my allergies. For a test, I’m going to change my Tide and Bounce to something else but for now Benadryl is my best buddy.

Yesterday at the clinic the nurse noted that I lost 1 kilo (2.2lbs) since my last weigh-in a month ago. I think I`ve got rid of some more body fluid. I`m happy with the weight loss, although I`m still up from when I started this whole deal a year and half ago.

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