Monday, July 28, 2008

Slim markers make me cry

WCK starts preschool three weeks from tomorrow. PRESCHOOL.

I thought that I was ready for this. In fact, I was kind of looking forward to it. She'll be in school just two mornings a week, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. That is a lot of free time for me. I kept thinking of all of the things I could do. I could go to the grocery store without pushing an enormous cart shaped like a school bus. I could vacuum the house or iron a shirt without anyone screaming in terror. I could take an exercise class or clean out all of the closets in the house AND clean the freezer. Knowing me, though, I'll probably fritter away all of my time checking my e-mail or Googling useless information. Still. It was looking pretty exciting.

Then over the weekend, we got a big envelope of information from the preschool. All of a sudden it dawned on me: MY CHILD IS REALLY OLD. MY CHILD IS GOING TO SCHOOL. MY CHILD IS GOING OUT INTO THE WORLD, AND I WILL NOT BE WITH HER. I started reading the supply list out loud to Jay and WCK, and I got all choked up. One of the items is "slim markers." SLIM MARKERS! Somebody thinks my child is old enough to be using slim markers, and not just the big chunky kind. It took an entire day before I could even walk past the supply list without getting misty-eyed.

I'd better toughen up, because eventually we are going to have to go shopping for these supplies. I don't want to be sobbing at Target when I place the slim markers in the cart. Cleanup on Aisle 5!

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