Monday, July 7, 2008

Mergers and Acquisitions

Today we bought: a push lawn mower, a Weed Hound, an outside light for the back door, and oranges and popsicles for the construction people who are starting Wednesday. (They don't seem like case-of-beer types.) The Weed Hound is a wonderful invention (or tool, outil, as it says in the directions in French.) It looks like a green pogo stick and you push it down into the middle of a dandelion or other mauvaise herbe and twist a little and when you pull up, you've got the weed, along with its root. What is more quickly satisfying than pulling weeds? I could go on and on but I think I already have.

I also had lunch with D, whom I've written about in the past. It was quite fun. It is strange to know someone well for many years, and then to be mostly out of touch for 10 or 11 years, and then to have lunch (or walk along the lake and talk, as we did recently). There are huge chunks missing in your knowledge of one another's lives. I met her daughter once and I saw her son once or twice. They are 10 and 7, regular people, and if we had been in touch I would have been Aunt Cancer Bitch and invited to their birthday parties. We would have a history.

But I was not ready to let go of resentment and twisted bitterness, not ready for that weed to be pulled from my heart. Until now.

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