Tuesday, July 15, 2008

i'm off!

I am off to attend (and speak at!) BlogHer in San Francisco. And since my laptop is still at the computer hospital, I will be offline for the next few days.

I am in for a late night, because no matter how much I have been scrambling. I will be glad to be done and on the road.

As for BlogHer, I am, in equal parts, excited and completely panicked.

If you are going too, and see someone whose blog has "cancer" in the title, please don't assume that she doesn't want to have fun, OK?

I will be home late on Monday night and have chemo the next morning, so not to worry if you don't hear from me again until July 23rd.

Meanwhile, I have two new posts that I haven't told you about up at MyBreastCancerNetwork.Com.
Living With Metastasis: Younger Adults Living With Cancer and a piece that was very hard to write but deserved to be written, Punk Rock Mommy: A Tribute.

I'll be back at the keyboard in a week!

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