Wednesday, July 30, 2008


A WCK and I were running errands today, we approached an apartment complex that has a big fountain on its lawn. From far away, it looked as though an enormous snowdrift was covering the lawn. As we got closer, though, we saw that someone had apparently dumped some kind of soap into the fountain. Giant mounds of bubbles billowed everywhere.

Of course, WCK was fascinated. So was I. We sat in a parking lot across from the fountain for a few minutes and watched the bubbles. They spilled across four lanes of traffic; huge clumps rolled across the road like tumbleweeds. Two helpless looking maintenance workers tried to get the bubbles under control, to no avail. As we watched, I had to pretend like I'm actually a Responsible Mom and make an occasional remark such as, "You know, it's not very nice to put bubbles in someone else's fountain," or "Whoever did that was being very bad."

In reality, though, I thought it was the coolest thing I'd seen in a really long time. I wondered what kind of soap they used to get such good results.

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