Thursday, July 17, 2008

Off to CoH

After a couple of weeks of low grade fevers (99.9), my temperature spiked last night to 102.3.

I avoided a late night trip to the emergency room, but I'm heading off this morning for blood work, a chest x-ray and an appointment with Dr. Forman. Something's going on in my body. I just don't know what it is.

1:25 pm UPDATE: X-rays of my lungs look like they did when I was hospitalized in January. We don't know if it's pneumonia or lung damage from the bleomycin chemo drug that I received before the stem cell transplant. I have meds for both (antibiotics and steroids), so my bases are covered.

We don't know how or if this ties in with the high EOS count. I return to CoH on Monday.

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