Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Did he sew it himself?

We are back at home in Kansas City! I got a little behind on my blogging toward the end of the trip. On Friday, our Internet went down in the cabin. The horror! I'm not sure how we survived such primitive conditions. The rest of the time, we were on the road or unsuccessfully trying to get WCK to sleep in a hotel room, so I didn't get online.

I'll try to post a few more highlights of the trip later. Before the Internet went down, I was going to tell this story:

When we were at the cabin, a friendly chipmunk kept running around on our deck. Obviously, this chipmunk had been fed a lot by cabin guests, because he wasn't afraid of anything or anyone. WCK was delighted to see him scampering around. He disappeared under the deck for a moment while we were watching him one night, just as a squirrel appeared on a nearby tree.

"There's the chipmunk!" said WCK.

"No, that's a squirrel," I said.

"It is the chipmunk," WCK insisted. "He's wearing a squirrel costume."

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