Monday, November 19, 2007

A Patient's Life

I've already received several frantic, "Are you OK? You haven't blogged" phone calls today.

Yes, I'm A-OK, but I did start developing a slight fever (100 to 101) yesterday, which has thrown me into a busy day of the patient's life today.

My morning started with pre-meds that included Benadryl, a drug that is guaranteed to knock me cold for two hours and keep me groggy for an additional two. But I multi-tasked while napping, taking in lots of antibiotics and more red blood cells.

And then it was time for a chest X-ray and more lab tests. Late in the afternoon, I finally got unleashed from my pole so that I could take my shower, do my private dance of freedom and then get in some walking on the floor.

This floor walking just isn't cutting it as a form of exercise, so I met today with my Physical Therapist (PT). It turns out that there's a daily 11 am exercise class for hematology patients. We'll also be working on developing a separate strength training program and treadmill workouts. Of course, all of this is dependent on my daily blood counts. As the PT warned, "Your strength and energy levels will outpace your blood levels."

I'm also hoping that my white counts rise by Wednesday evening so that I can attend a comedy performance at the Hope Village Comedy Center. I think the real comedy will ensue when all of these patients with poles start vying for seats. I'll post more details tomorrow, in case any of you want to join me.

Good night, friends!

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