The Carriers are now a two-Mac family. I'm the proud owner of a spankin' new MacBook, and Cindy is the beaming owner of a slightly used iBook. We're both thrilled.
After my unfortunate incident on Wednesday, I was devastated. I focused on trying to figure out the fastest and easiest way to pull off the minor repair to my iBook. At the same time, I explored wireless service options so that I could at least use the laptop in the lobby. I found out that Verizon, my cell phone provider, wants $69.95 a month AND a one-year contract for the privilege. No, thank you.
And then the obvious hit me. Two hours before the accident, Cindy had requested her own laptop for Christmas. I acknowledged that she needed one, confessed that I was longing for the new MacBook and asked how she felt about inheriting my iBook. She agreed that it sounded like a great plan. The "great fall" just moved up our time line a few weeks.
George braved the Pasadena Apple Store on "Black Friday," the second busiest shopping day of the year. (Busiest is the Saturday before Christmas.) Apple NEVER has sales, so I was stunned to find out that my MacBook was $100 cheaper, today only. After a few phone exchanges between me and salesman Troy, George sealed the deal
He delivered my new MacBook, adding "The important thing is that we get you online again ASAP." In that spirit, I wasted no time in tearing the Mac out of its box and booting it up.
I was thrilled to find out that I had an option of automatically transferring files from Mac to Mac. That is, I could if I happened to have a FireWire cable. George headed for the closest Target and returned in less than an hour with the appropriate cable. 30 minutes later, the file transfers were complete and my new Mac was ready to go online.
George was my hero today.
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