Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Let's be boring

So Susan's starting her Hotel Hope stint, and you know how she hates missing out on all the fun she just knows we're going to have without her.

I propose that each of us commit to 30 days of really boring activities. The kind of pursuits Susan would be happy to skip. It's the least we can do to show our support.

Here's what I plan to do during her stay at CoH:

1. Alphabetize my spices.
2. Organize my sock drawer.

3. Clean the grout in bathroom with an old toothbrush.

4. Memorize all the state capitals.

5. Color my gray roots.

In your comments, please share the really tedious and/or boring activities you have planned for Smooky's hospital stay.

Remember, keep any really exciting news to yourself.
We just don't want to know.

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