Friday, November 16, 2007

Baby, it's cold inside!

Just returned from my usual Friday errands-o-rama and listened to a voicemail from Smooky (I like the "y," dang it). She says when she's feeling perky, the Internet connection gets spotty, so she just phoned it in. Cancer Correspondent is on duty!

Here's the latest:

She received her second infusion of stem cells today, apparently STRAIGHT FROM THE FRIDGE. For some unknown reason, CoH does not have a stem cell warmer. So..imagine getting a grape Slurpee injected into your veins. Brrrr.

Heck, you'd think the Crock Pot people would come out with a model for medical use!

The blankets didn't help much, so during her infusion Susan ended up shivering like the poor little match girl in those Victorian novels. Can one drink a hot toddy during a stem cell infusion? Must Goggle for answers, stat!

Susan got a laugh from this: I read story in People magazine today about a morning show anchor who has breast cancer. She has a good attitude, but sometimes she feels sorry for herself. When this happens, her family calls her Chemo Sobby.

That is all for now.

Keep those comments coming. Smooky would prefer to skip the morphine, but she is ADDICTED to comments.

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