Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Nap time WILL be enforced!

Hi! It's your faithful Cancer Correspondent checking in on behalf of certain local members of Team Susan who are a tiny bit concerned that once Smooky gets home she'll:

a) take up skydiving since she doesn't have to worry about messing up her hair
b) start training for the L.A. Marathon, or

c) offer to double-check the holiday lights on Christmas Tree Lane by
climbing up each tree like a monkey.

Let's make it easy for Susan to take it easy during the holiday
season. When you have a moment, email Janet Aird to update your availability to hang with our favorite multi-tasking lymphomaniac for an hour or two.

She may need a ride to CoH or help running errands. (Note: if
she wants to re-roof the house "just for fun," you have permission to tie her to a chair and call for reinforcements)

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