Monday, November 5, 2007

Be an Angel, Save a Life

It only takes 10 minutes to save a life.

Please consider participating in this life-saving, student-run project. (See below for ways in which you can take part. )

And please share this information with as many people as you can.

Dear Friends:

My name is Jake Sachse and I'm a junior at
Crossroads School. I would like to share with you my father's miraculous victory over his five-year battle with cancer. In 2002, when I was in sixth grade, my father, Ed Sachse, was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. He struggled through many treatments and two intense stem cell transplants. Now I am grateful that he is CANCER FREE, thanks to modern cancer research and especially to his personal angel.

What is an angel? The dictionary states that an angel is a messenger of God. In my dad's case this certainly proved to be true. An anonymous donor, an exact genetic match, gave her stem cells and in so doing became AN ANGEL and SAVED my father's life.

In an effort to give back, I have decided to launch an event with many high school students to register potential stem cell donors in the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP). With a simple cheek swab, that literally takes only a few minutes, you can join the millions of donors who stand ready to give someone a future. This test in no way obligates you to be a stem cell donor; it only allows the National Registry to keep you on file for the possibility to “BE AN ANGEL + SAVE A LIFE”.

I have asked two incredible organizations to help make this event a huge success: “Phase One Foundation”, a charity whose mandate is to fund clinical trials and underwrite leading scientists who specialize in cancer research; and the “City of
Hope”, a world renown leader in cancer research and treatments, a designated NMDP center.

My goals for the event are as follows:

1. Register and cheek swab --at no charge-- at least 500 people, aged 18-60, to put on the National Marrow Donor Program

2. To raise awareness and educate our community of the need for donors and give everyone a chance to make a difference;

3. To raise at least $25,000 by involving 25 companies in donating $1,000 and attaching their name to this wonderful cause to underwrite the costs of genetic testing.

4. To raise funds to support our “Sponsor an Angel Program” to offset the $50 genetic testing cost per “Angel”.

The event will be held on:

November 17, 2007

9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Crossroads School in Santa Monica

(at the northwest corner of Olympic Boulevard and 18th Street.)

To make a donation or for more information, please go to <> or make check payable to Phase One Foundation, Attn: Be An Angel, 256 26th Street, Suite 201, Santa Monica, CA 90402. All donations are 100% tax deductible.

To RSVP to the "Be an Angel" campaign, send an email to **

Please join us and *BE AN ANGEL + SAVE A LIFE*…and give the Gift of Hope!

Thank you,

Jake Sachse

BE AN ANGEL+SAVE A LIFE a 100% Student Run Organization invites you to join us November 17th and attend our First Stem Cell - Bone Marrow Drive. Your efforts to spread the word and join the registry will help reach our goal to register 500 people on the National Marrow Donor Program. To Make a Donation or for Information please go to or contact me at

Thank you for your support,

Jake Sachse

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