Thursday, November 8, 2007

Day Zero

Several people have called and asked me what my schedule is this week, so I thought I'd post it for all to see:

Wednesday 11/07/07 (Dilantin*) Check in for hydration
Thursday 11/08/07 (Dilantin, Benadryl, Atavan, Zofron)* Carmustine
Firday 11/09/07 (Dilantin, Benadryl, Atavan, Zofron)* Carmustine
Saturday 11/10/07 (Dilantin, Benadryl, Atavan, Zofron)* Carmustine
Sunday 11/11/07 (Benadryl Atavan, Zofron)* Etoposide
Monday 11/12/07 DAY OFF
Tuesday 11/13/07 (Benadryl, Atavan, Zofron)* Cyclophosphamide
Wednesday 11/14/07 DAY OFF
Thursday 11/15/07 (Pre-meds) Reinfusion of Neupogen-primed peripheral stem cells
Friday 11/16/07 (Pre-meds) Reinfusion of Neupogen-primed periipheral stem cells
Tuesday 11/20/07 Begin Neupogn injections for white cell count.

Day Zero refers to the day I receive my stem cells on 11/15/07. Days prior to the reinfusion are counted with negative numbrs. (e.g. Thursday, 11/08/07, is Day -1; Friday, 11/09/-7, is Day -2, etc.) After the reinfusion, we start counting with positive numbers. stem cells is returned is Day 1 and we continue numbering the days after that. (e.g. Friday, 11/16/07, is Day 1; Saturday, 11/17/07, is day 2, etc.)

I hope that this post doesn't put you to sleep faster than the Benadryl coursing through my veins before the chemo. It's not even 10 pm, but I can't keep my eyes open any longer.

*These are pre-meds that counter the side effects of the chemo.

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