Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Day Without Blood

It's a no-transfusion morning, which means that I won't be taking my obligatory two-hour morning nap.

Right now, I'm force feeding myself Cheerios, milk and banana. Eating is still a long, laborious and unpleasant process, often followed by a second coming.

I'll keep this post brief because my physical therapist (PT) is returning in 15 minutes to bring me to the gym. My white counts are still too low to do the hematology exercise class or go to the comedy night, but I'm permitted to hit the treadmill.

I'm gonna' try to eat five more bites of my Cheerios before my PT returns. Let's hope the little O's stay down!

PS My PT just checked in with me, and we decided to wait until 10 am for the workout. I need to be back in the room by 10:30 am for a blood draw.

This morning's blood numbers:
(Numbers in parentheses represent normal ranges.)

WBC .6 (4.0-11)
RBC 2.79 (3.8-5.2)
HGB 9.4 (11.5-15.5)
PLT 43 (150-350)

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