Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I'm now kicking back in Room 5111 at Hotel Hope. I thought I'd sneak in a quick post before the nurses come with my pre-meds, which will likely knock me out for a few hours.

Currently, I have to approve a comment before it's posted. Since hours may now slip by between email checks, I've decided to abandon the approval process. Your posts will automatically appear, immediately after you've verified the random mix of letters that appear on your screen.

Some of you have subscribed to the notification service for new blog postings. A few have hit "reply" with your comments. These messages will come to me, but will not appear on the blog. If you'd like your comment to appear (and I love the comments on the blog so that I have a permanent record of your lovely thoughts), please click on the blog site and then add the comment.

That's all, folks!

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