Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thank You, Friends

I have been so touched and moved to tears by all of the comments I received after my last post, "Sicko." Thank you for embracing me and holding me up. My Colorado friend Ellen also wrote a beautiful response, but she wasn't able to post it and called to read it to me. I was moved to tears again.

I've made some decisions in regard to making my life a little easier. My most challenging time is the morning. I have a dog and cats that need to be fed. I need to make sure that I eat breakfast so that I don't take my 9 pills on an empty stomach. These tasks can be overwhelming for me. Alas, I cannot depend on the teen in the morning because of her late sleeping habits.

I decided to hire someone to come by our house in the morning on her way to work. She'll pick up the newspapers, feed and water the animals, make and serve breakfast and tea and make sure I have a pitcher of fresh water. I let my cleaning lady do these things for me yesterday (I usually refuse personal assistance), and it was a great relief.

When I went out to the City of Hope today, my goal was to be wheel chair free. I had it all plotted out in my mind how I would do it. But on the way to my blood draw, I had one of my dizzy spells. Luckily, my friend Mary was nearby, and I latched onto her.

A nurse came by with a wheel chair and announced to me, "You'll need to use this today." So much for being ambulatory.

Dr. Forman and I discussed the dizziness and fainting spells and how they have increased in intensity and frequency. Could it be related to low blood pressure? I now have a prescription to raise blood pressure. Could it be heart related? I have an appointment with a City of Hope cardiologist. I'm relieved to be seeing the cardiologist. I've been corresponding with a few people with eosinophillic illnesses, and they all have advised me to get an EKG because the EOS often infiltrate to the heart.

Yes, I need to raise my blood pressure. I need to gain weight. It's as though I live in the backward land of Bizarro. Let's see . . . maybe I should raise my cholesterol too. Perhaps I should take up smoking while I'm at it.

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