Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back to Normal

Back to normal, looks like the girls and I will have to eat in the kitchen sitting in chair, using silverware, napkins, manner and all the thing a civilized society demands of us, Rhonda returns today.

I am waiting to see if the UT SouthWestern SPA will emerge from the dark ages, disregarding the statistical outdated facts and figures that don't apply to many of the current cancer patients that they are seeing who may or may not be eligible for a lung transplant. This data they (many of the transplant centers of excellence) use to help base their transplant decision is irrelevant since the medicines have changed, the equipment has changed, the patients are receiving better care for their cancer before transplant, and the patients are strong and healthy they just have two bad lungs. Their are 4 BAC patients (including myself) that I known of that have been transplanted get your data points from us and our progress...... better yet allow us to speak to you oncology or transplant review boards so they can connect a face, a family, a community to the medical notes on the CASE (patient) seeking the life extending procedure known as transplant (bi-lateral lung transplant to be exact). Sorry on my soapbox when change is resisted... you know if the patient and his or her family are will to take a risk then take a risk don't throw in the towel....

On a brighter note The Johnson Family "Gump Family" need a shoe contract b/c Bo is walking, walking, walking...

Soccer tonight with the girls, then ride my bike after they have gone to bed and run some more, I might take them to daycare in the morn. on the bike but we shall see on that one (They are trying to kill me)

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