Monday, August 18, 2008

It's not my imagination

Silly me. I thought that my appointments at the City of Hope were today. Mary escorted me to my first appointment for a chest x-ray, and I found out that I'm scheduled for Thursday. Oh.

I was especially eager to see a doctor today because I woke up with a slight temperature that slowly rose to 101. Dr. Forman had already told me that I should not be experiencing any kind of temperature spikes while on the Prednisone.

I called Barb, Dr. Forman's nurse practitioner, and she whisked me away to the ETC (evaluation treatment center). During my seven-hour stay, they made arrangements for another chest x-ray, a chest CT scan, lots of blood work and a meeting with the infectious disease specialist.

I learned that my lungs look worse than they did after the last CT scan two weeks ago. I didn't think I was improving and feared that I was getting worse. Now at least I know that it wasn't just my imagination.

I left with several new prescriptions, along with a much more aggressive, 3x day dose of Bactrim (instead of twice a week). Let's hope this does the trick.

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