The first day of school went amazingly, shockingly well. WCK got right out of the car, took the teacher's hand, and walked right into the building with a huge grin on her face. She didn't even look back at us, her poor, emotionally fragile parents. I know I spent weeks hoping that she wouldn't have a complete breakdown at the preschool door, but would one little tear be too much to ask, WCK?
When I came to pick her up, she was still smiling, her Pull-up was bone dry, and the teacher told me that she'd done very well. All of the kids had been asked to bring a stuffed animal from home for the first day. WCK took Froggy, who is her Very Best Friend. When we pulled into the driveway at home, we both realized ... Froggy was back at school.
Suddenly, it was just too much. I think she had worked so hard to hold it together all day, but she couldn't take it anymore. WCK broke down, clinging to me with her arms and legs, screaming for Froggy. I managed to untangle myself enough to call the school and ask if they could leave Froggy at the front desk for us, because we were clearly having a Froggy Emergency. (I actually used the words "Froggy Emergency", but the secretary didn't get a chuckle out of that like I thought she would). We drove back to school and picked up Froggy, and everything was all right again.
It's hard to get details about the school day from a three-year-old, but I was able to gather that the teacher read them a book about a raccoon going to school, they sang "Wheels on the Bus", they ate oranges at snack time, and everyone washed their hands. She also keeps singing a song that goes, "Clean up! Clean up! Everybody clean up!", and she suddenly is very interested in throwing scraps of paper into the trash. I like this curriculum.
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