Saturday, August 30, 2008

Soccer, picnic and vomit

This weekend is a holiday weekend but we won’t be able to get in rest, I am just happy that I am not kicking off this football season in the spa (hospital), its hard to find or sneak in hot wings and beer (root beer) when your on the heart lung floor…. It can be done though…. It is not mission impossible you do deserve some comfort while uncomfortable in the spa…just tell them that the orange stains on your sheets and gown are IV fluid that leaked out from one of your IV bags…

Friday we went to watch TCU play Xavier in soccer, I am sure it was an exciting game Rhonda and I wanted Raegan and Ravyn to see some positive women’s sports. Our family time at the soccer game lasted longer than our Texas Rangers game (viewed after the transplant softball game May 2008, we didn’t even make it to the first inning heck we didn’t even make it to the national anthem the girls were hot and needed a nap) I digress… we saw one score by TCU all told about 45 seconds of soccer and 4 minutes of halftime before the flood gates opened and Ravyn threw up on the people in front of us (I told y’all to sit down) then she threw up on Mommy, threw up on Raegan, threw up on the people on the stairs (clear a path, move) I slight stomach virus… she is fine.

Today we had our church picnic and Ravyn was fine playing like nothing happened yesterday, she and Raegan enjoyed the water bounce house I will have to post pics later, Rhonda and I enjoyed having grown folks talk as it was our first time being able to go to the church picnic since 2005.

I was supposed to get another A1C blood test today but they were closed for the holidays so I will get it on Tuesday and send it off to my medical Posey

I feel less sick, less congested today

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