Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Not-so-Dead Arm

First, I want to thank everyone for keeping up with my blog, even when I haven't been so good at keeping up with it myself. You know how yappy I've been...well it seems that the recovery process has been silencing me. Odd. Or perhaps not so, I suppose.

As an update on the annoying lumps that have appeared on my chest--all the medical professionals I have seen said that they are 99-105% sure it's fat necrosis. So that's excellent news. My oncologist has retired, but I got another nice oncologist to replace her. Basically, if it gets bigger, I will go back to the cancer agency. Hopefully, it will just melt the fuck away. Enough said.

So this is the cool part: last week when I saw the plastic surgeon to discuss my nipple reconstruction, she took a look at me and said coyly, "Would you like to be bigger?" I said, "Who wouldn't?" She said, "You look nice and athletic now, but I could make you look more feminine. It wouldn't add much extra time to the surgery to give you implants." So...WOO FUCKING HOO! I get to have knockers! Yay! Not only did I get a tummy tuck from the tram flap surgery, but I get honking tits to boot! Fuck yeah! So in the next couple months, I will go back in for a "size consultation" and then get prepped for surgery, which will be out-patient. Dang. Oh, Ca-na-da...

This weekend is our awesome gourmet kayaking adventure. We are taking a special bottle of wine with us called "Dead Arm." I could go into the significance of this, but I'm tired. I'll just say it's a good, tasty metaphor for the shit I went through this past year.

I'm back to school in a couple weeks too. And that freaks me out, but I'm going to just do it. Move on with life, and enjoy it all!

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