Friday, August 22, 2008

Homework assignment

I'm happy to say that the second day of preschool went just as well as the first. WCK was happy to get out of the car and go with her teacher, and she was still in a cheerful mood when I came to pick her up. From what I can gather, she really likes school, although it is hard to get her to tell me all of the details about her day. I usually bombard her with questions as soon as she gets into the car (What story did you read? What did you have for snack? What songs did you sing?), and she'll answer one or two of them before telling me in an annoyed voice, "Mommy, we will talk about this when we get home."

When we get home, she still doesn't want to tell me much, so I have to piece things together. On Tuesday, I asked her if she knew the names of any of the kids in her class, and she said she didn't remember. Later, she was playing with a ball and told me the ball's name was "Madison." I asked if Madison was a friend from her class. She said no. Yesterday, when I picked her up, I noticed the official car line sign in the window of the car behind me said "MADISON." Ah. Then WCK walked out of the school holding hands with a sweet little girl who was, indeed, the famous Madison. There's one mystery solved.

Anyway, WCK has her first official homework assignment. It was actually very challenging for me, which is a little disturbing considering I am 30 years older than the people who are expected to complete this assignment. Next week, the class will be discussing shapes. Half of the class has to bring in two household objects shaped like circles. The other half -- WCK's half -- has to bring in two household objects shaped like triangles.

Do you know how many household objects are shaped like triangles? Zero!

I never realized it until now, but we live in a completely triangle-free home. Look around you. Do you see any triangles? No! You don't! The circle people got off easy. Everything is shaped like a circle. Grab a plate and the lid from a tub of butter and you're good to go. Triangles take much more effort. I was ready to give up and send her to school with a stale tortilla chip and a slice of cold pizza. We finally started digging through her toys and found a sailboat with a triangle-shaped sail, a triangle-shaped wedge of plastic cheese, and, well, an actual triangle. You know, the musical instrument that you tap with a little metal stick.

I think we'll go with the sailboat and the cheese, because I'm sure everybody is going to bring in a musical triangle. I can't really blame them. We lucked out by finding the cheese. I'd love to know what other triangular objects the other parents found, but I'm sure WCK won't tell me.

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