Saturday, August 9, 2008

Help! There's a Chihuahua in my kitchen.

Cynthia caught me at a weak moment yesterday, which wasn't difficult since my day was a series of weak moments.

You know that it's not going to end well when the conversation begins, "Mom. [delivered with staccato urgency] I have something to tell you, but you need to promise not to yell at me."

Of course, this line guarantees that she is going to drop a bomb so explosive that hootin' and hollerin' is the only recourse. I could feel my blood pressure rising already, but I said, "What, honey?"

"OK. Here's the story. My friend is living in an apartment. She has a dog, but she's not allowed to keep it there any more. I told her that we could take care of the dog until she finds a new home for it."

Her friend is the daughter of my friend, who I took under my wing a decade ago. The family lives in King's Villages in Pasadena (aka the projects).

In my weakened state, I looked up and said, "And this would be temporary until we can find it a permanent home?" Who was I to deny my 19-year-old daughter the joys of animal rescue and lending a helping hand?

"Yes, Mommy," she agreed.

This whole scenario reminds me of when Cynthia was a candy-cravin' pre-schooler.

"Mommy, can I eat a piece of candy?" she'd ask.

"No, munchkin, you may not eat a piece of candy," I'd respond.

"Then, Mommy, can I just HOLD a piece of candy?"

Did I look like I had "FOOL" written across my forehead? (Don't answer that rhetorical question.)

But my daughter's never been a fool (irresponsible, yes but fool, no). Now the "candy," a Chihuahua named Brownie, is "in her hands." We just need to get him out of her sticky little fingers before he ends up a permanent part of her digestive system.

(Barbara R.: This one's for you!)

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