Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lazy Susan

I admit it.

I Google myself. When you're a writer and a blogger and a bit of a busy-body, it's fun to see what's out there.

A couple weeks ago, if you did a Google image search on my name, a head shot from my former employer would pop up first, followed closely by shots of me at a clothing swap party and a Media Bistro party. (Yea, I'm the original par-tay girl.)

Now I've been upstaged by a "lazy Susan Carrier," a crafty accessory for those spinning table tops popular in familly-style Chinese restaurants.

It's ironic because I consider lazy to be one of the world's worst pejoratives. Clean it up a little and call it indolent, and it's still an ugly little adjective. I always feel a little sorry for some cancers, such as Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, that are branded as indolent. Cancer is a nasty thing, but do we really need to insult it too?

But now my name and lazy are number one on Google, during a time when my energy is low and my spunk is in a funk. Talk about a low blow!

I'm looking forward to reverting back to the opposite of indolent: active, busy, diligent, energetic, enthusiastic, hard-working, industrious, intent. Put that on your lazy susan and spin it!

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