Here are the two little rascals before leaving for dinner.

Totally a daddy's girl, eh?

Mylo doing his usual calisthenics before eating--his secret to maintaining his buff physique. What a show-off! Wonder where he gets that trait from...

Our friends Marty and Letti's little guy, Marcus

All the kids playing something or other before eating.

Even Heidy and Greg's son, Gryphen, enjoys getting in on the food action!

Mr. Mylo

Ms. Chloe. Um, yeah, even princesses get runny noses...

...and princesses like to lick their runny noses...

...and shove food in their maws.

I think that last picture sums it up. We had a great time with great friends. And now I'm going to plug my other blog where I also put up more new pictures of the kiddins. Enjoy!
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