Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Feeling Good

I feel GOOD, I think I am rounding the curve now since the transplant, it has been about 14 months now and one week and my body does not feel like I have been going through two / three A Day football practices with each practice starting off with county fair, followed by hills, one on one, and topped off with bull in the ring. Sorry young bucks you all don't have to do such drills you can only read about them.

The softball game was on Saturday, I could not take it deep like I expected to all that batting practice for nothing as I had no power at the plate. The game was fun though, I made it around the bases was pushed by the speed demon behind me and his young legs

I was feeling so good that on Sunday I grilled out, and did not complain about the neuropathy in my feet once.

Am I leveling off and reaching the new norm since transplant????????????

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