Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Free Online Seminar: Introduction to Ovarian Cancer

Free Online Seminar: Introduction to Ovarian CancerIn collaboration with the New York State Department of Health OvarianCancer Program, the New York State Nurses Association will be offering abrand-new web seminar: Introduction to Ovarian Cancer.

The target audience of this seminar is nurses. The participants will learnabout the epidemiology of ovarian cancer, signs, symptoms and risk factorsassociated with this disease, and the important role of nurses inidentifying and managing affected women. In addition, this free onlineseminar provides information on which women are at high risk for ovariancancer as well as resources available in NYS.

The seminar and additional information will be available by April 1, 2008through the end of June. Registration is required. Continuing educationcredits are available. For additional information or to register for theonline seminar, please log onto

Funding for this seminar was made possible by cooperative agreement #U58DP000783-01 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)through a grant from the New York State
Comprehensive Cancer ControlProgram.

Claire Qu, MS Ovarian Cancer Program CoordinatorCancer Support and Survivorship Initiatives

NYSDOH Bureau of Chronic Disease Services
Riverview Center150 Broadway, 3rd Floor West Albany, New York 12204
Tel: (518) 474-1222Fax: (518) 473-0642

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