Saturday, May 10, 2008

What's Your Excuse?

Have you registered with the National Bone Marrow Program?

If you're using any of these excuses, think again:

  • I can't stand the sight of blood: Testing no longer requires blood. Just give a few cells from your cheek.
  • I'm too busy: It only takes a few seconds to swab your cheek. You don't have to leave the comfort of your home.
  • I'm a big baby. If I'm a match, I'm afraid of the procedure: Donating your stem cells is now as simple as donating platelets and takes just one day out of your life.
  • I'm too poor to afford the $50 for a kit: Until May 19, the Donor Garden is providing FREE kits. The National Bone Marrow Program is also offering free kits to the first 10,000 people who register online before May 19.
If you are Asian, African American or mixed race (like me), then it is especially important that you register:
  • A Caucasian has a 70% chance of finding a match on the National Registry.
  • Minorities have a 10% chance.
  • Mixed-race patients have a 2% chance.

The more people who register, then the greater the chance of finding a match.

Wouldn't you love to be a life-saving match? PLEASE register today.

ONE YEAR AGO TODAY: I checked in to Hotel Hope for round three of Hyper CVAD.

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