Tuesday, May 6, 2008

You can't watch this and feel cranky at the same time

I just heard back from the Amazing Mayo Nurse. I called yesterday, and when I told her about the rise in my M-spike, I heard a shocked gasp on the other end of the phone. It was not a sound you want to hear coming out of a medical professional after she learns your test results. She was very nice and said she'd check with Dr. H and call me back.

Just as I expected, Dr. H wants me back on the dex, dang it. She did say, however, that I can try starting at 8 mg per week. When I was last on it, I was on 12 mg per week. I should be able to handle 8 mg okay for a little while; hopefully we can talk over the dex situation in more detail when we go see Dr. H in person next month.

The nurse was really sympathetic. "I know you didn't want to go back on it," she said, "but it sure sounds like you need it."

Dang it, dang it, dang it.

Anyway, I'm cheering myself up the best way I know how: By posting a video of Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra dancing in sailor suits. Is there anything better?

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