Tuesday, May 6, 2008

blogs as a healing force

A while back, I put in a proposal to speak at the BlogHer conference (taking place from July 18-20 in San Francisco). A few weeks later, BlogHer founder Elisa Camahort, wrote back to say that, in fact they did have a panel that she thought would be "right up my alley."

Never one to leave a good metaphor unflogged, I responded excitedly that the panel sounded like it was not only "up my alley" but "parked in front of my house!"

It's called "Blogs as a Healing Force." I started this blog as a way to work things through and to communicate with loved ones. I had no idea it would become so much more. My online community (and I include folks I see in person and those I have never met face to face) has come to mean a great deal to me. Writing it has kept me sane through some of the darkest times. I even wrote a love letter to my blog when my lap top and I were reunited after a stay in hospital!

It will be a privilege to share my thoughts and experiences at BlogHer.

Speaking of privileges, I am a little in awe of my co-panelists:

Babz (who I first mentioned in this blog on Blog Day last year), who writes LoveBabz: A Life in Transition.

Susan (aka WhyMommy), who blogs at Toddler Planet.

Christine, of flutter: dark and divine.

I started to describe each of their blogs and decided that I couldn't do it as well as each of them already has. They are all beautiful, powerful writers. Each of them has left me speechless, moved me and made me cry. It will be such an honour to speak beside them.

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