Thursday, May 15, 2008

I still taste that Barium

I had a pretty good visit with the transplant doctors. I have wrapped my test for my annual post transplant evaluation so I have established my baseline numbers. My breathing is coming along nicely I think given that I just had pneumonia 4 weeks ago, with the quick spirometry I am in the mid 80% for my lung functionality, on the real breathing test the PFT's done in the closed breathing chamber of (death as I call it) glass my lung functionality is in the mid 70% range. Obviously I have some work to do. I was disappointed with my six minute walk, I feel I could have done better so I am lobbying for a retest GIVE ME A MULLIGAN please, I walked about 420 meters (dodged to painters, and a military guy visiting his relatives) back and forth in the hallway at the SPA (UT Southwestern Hospital)

I still taste Barium in my mouth as I had some barium required test done, it still taste bad but I do not bring it back up like I did when I first had to drink barium 2+ years ago when I was first diagnosed with cancer.

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