Tuesday, October 26, 2010

to breakup or stay together (UT Southwestern or Baylor medical???)

As unemotional as I would like to make this post, that, is something I can not do. I am pretty pissed about several aspects of my care and condition management at UT Southwestern. Before I address the medical elephant in the room I have been advised to not burn bridges... my response is bridges burn both ways.

Let's tackle the elephant.
  • I am disappointed with the lack of communication between oncology, thoracic surgery, and the lung transplant clinic.
  • I am pissed and saying what the hell as I learn more about RFA as a minimally invasive procedure that can be used to kill cancer nodules in the lung(s).
  • If you recall I had a 1.5 cm nodule surgically removed by a wedge resection 3/2009. I have recently learned that the thoracic surgeon can do RFA procedures. My beef is why wasn't I offered this treatment option . Why did they elect to take almost 1/3 of my right lung.
  • There is are no plans in place as to how recurrences will be dealt with.
  • Oncology won't help me get my info. together to pass it on to UCLA so I can possibly have the RFA procedure done on my 5mm nodule in my right lung.

Short Rant I am getting feed-up I am not willing to give anymore huge chunks of lung tissue to research.

RFA Links:




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