Saturday, October 30, 2010

Daily Brivanib Side Effects

After being on a few different chemo regimens, I’ve learned the best thing to do when starting a new one is to keep a daily diary of the side effects. It just makes them easier to manage and to reconcile them when and if they are better or worse in my mind. Also, when the nurse asks me how the last week was I can give her a detailed list of what went on. She really likes my list.

These are a few side effects I experienced daily …
  • woozy and drunk like till noon and then tapers off to nothing around 5 pm
  • chills and nausea … mild
  • fatigue
  • blood stained mucus … minimal
  • a rash just above my PICC line … minor
When I signed up for this clinical trial, the Onc warned me that my bp will probably go up. And mine is now 170/103.

Anyways, he put me on 5mg of Ran-Ramipril and said we’ll watch these numbers closely and adjust as required.

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