Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sears Coffee Group Meeting

Our Sears Coffee ladies group decided to visit one of our own who is in hospice. J’s daughter T greeted us at the entrance to J’s room. We all walked in and started chattering just like a bunch of school girls. First thing was for everyone to find a seat … of course that included our mascot Ari. He found a spot on the bed amongst J’s assortment of soft and cuddly stuffed bears. Unfortunately he kept falling over … giggling that he was being too rambunctious, we had him sit on S’s lap so he’d behave.

Then we checked in with J to see how she was feeling. She has had a drain put in from her liver so she is not looking jaundiced any more. She said today was a good day and had quite a busy schedule this week… visitors and such. She said she was happy because everything she needs is taken care of. Then we checked out all her doodads on her shelves and that were pinned to a cork board. We admired some newly added photos, we checked out some of her lovely flowers on the shelf and talked about the nice view she had out her bedside window. J said she enjoyed the little things like the pigeons that circled around the building for her.

We chatted about what’s new with all of us. I talked about how my chemo made me feel drunk like and of course we got a few jokes and chuckles out of that. J presented each gal with a book mark with inspirational message. Each one specially chosen for each of us… mine said … ‘May God give you a rainbow for every storm’. J I will cherish that, thank you.

Then it was time for photos … C said she didn’t want to be in the front. Once again we had some laughs … trying to rearrange five ladies around a bed … to fit into a picture.

As we were about to leave C decided to share a joke that had been sent around on email. She did a great job telling it and we all laughed pretty hard. 

Soon it was time to leave, each gal giving J a kiss and a hug and a few private words.

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