Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Not So Tired Anymore

I’ve been recovering nicely from last week’s trip to Ottawa; I’m not so tired anymore. Yesterday was the first day I didn’t have an afternoon nap. Tho I have been working hard on trying to make sure I get a solid night’s sleep. One of the tricks I use to help ensure I sleep well through the night is a pair of ear plugs. They take a bit of getting used to but boy-o-boy do they work. For me they muffle out the sounds that tend to wake me up.

Also, I’m still taking one Benadyl at bedtime so I don’t wheeze and cough when I lay down to sleep. It helps me breathe easier and therefore I sleep more solidly. 

I think I still need a bit more R & R so I’m going to stay close to home for the remainder of the week. I have a big day at the cancer clinic on Friday … appointments scheduled from nine in the morning till three in the afternoon. All these tests are in anticipation of starting my new study drug.

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