Saturday, October 2, 2010

Suddenly I Have Fewer Hat Days

Even tho I only have about a 3/4 of my hair, it still needs to be cut once in a while. So yesterday I went to the cancer clinic for a free trim. I asked the stylist for a special cut for a special day. I told her about my trip to Ottawa and she said, wow, why you don’t try one of our wigs? I proudly said … no thanks, I going as is... no wig.

I was planning on wearing a hat on my trip but that changed when Maria the clerk at Sears said, no, don’t wear a hat, you look fine without one. I remember just about crying thinking wow what a revelation … I don’t need to wear a hat? … I am lovin’ that idea.

My hair looks not too bad from the front and the sides but not the back. There is a thin spot caused by rubbing my head on the pillow. My hair is weak and thin and it breaks off easily.

I’m not ready to give up my hats completely but now I am way more likely to go without one.

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