Saturday, October 30, 2010

Interview on Q13 Fox

 Parts 1 and 2 of last week's young breast cancer survivors' interview with Angela King of Q13 Fox aired earlier last night. I speak in part 1. You can view the link here. (Further down the left side of that page is a link saying : "Related BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS PART 2." Click there to see the second half of the story.)
(This link takes you to part one of the four part story Angela told a few years ago in 2008.)

Here is the text that accompanied the video:

October - National Breast Cancer Awareness Month - is almost over, but a group of ladies we first introduced you to in 2008 is reminding everyone to remain vigilant year round.
Tammy, Jill, Katie, Nicole, Anna, Courtney are members of the Young Survival Coalition. The support group is made up of women who were diagnosed with breast cancer before their 40th birthdays (the majority of breast cancer patients find out they have the disease when they're in their 60's). 
When we first interviewed these six survivors two years ago, there were part of a group of 11 women. Some are doing well, others not so well, and unfortunately one didn't make it. But let's go back now ... to when they were all still here. The first part of this story is from one of the original stories that aired back in 2008. 
These are some of the members of the Young Survival Coalition.  This story is dedicated to the *one* who's passed on.

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