Sunday, October 10, 2010

"Pink" comics

(I sent this to the Seattle Times this morning after seeing the "pink" comics in today's paper. We'll see if they print it in the letters to the editor.)
What is with the "pink ribbon" comics in Sunday's paper? I can't believe there is anyone in the USA who is not aware of breast cancer. Will pink coloring in the comics somehow cure breast cancer?
All the pink ribbon images in the world won't help me, a woman living with metastatic breast cancer since 2002.
"According to a FORTUNE examination of NCI grants going back to 1972, less than 0.5% of study proposals focused primarily on metastasis--trying to understand, for instance, its role in a specific cancer (e.g., breast, prostate) or just the process itself. Of nearly 8,900 NCI grant proposals awarded last year, 92% didn't even mention the word metastasis." (Fortune Magazine, March 22, 2004)

I believe there is only one USA nonprofit raising funds exclusively for research into metastatic breast cancer: METAVivor.
Where is the Seattle Times coverage of this issue?

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